skeletal sample 45000781
dig site “verissimo valley”
pelvic structure indicative of female
northern Scandinavian influence seen in structure of facial area
estimated height at around 5’4”
estimated weight 130 - 155 pounds
cultural factors must be considered before weight at death is agreed upon
age can be pinpointed at between 18 and 20 years
as indicated by nearly complete fusion of the epiphysis and length of bones
multiple hairline fractures on the phalanges and olphalanges
sign of large scale trauma to left tibia and patella
telltale scrapings point to surgery of some sort
minor trauma to right patella
similar cause or compensation of the trauma to the left?
scar site at top right anterior of cranial structure
possible laceration and/or fall from some height
multiple stress fractures to the spine
possibly caused by repeated bending and pressure from odd angles
unknown cause
possible signs of carrying heavy weight, such as a pack, for extended periods of time
unlikely given found location
pelvic spread indicates 45000781 has given birth
extent of spread points to a vaginal delivery
considering cesarian deliveries assumed to be norm due to average socio-economic state of other remains discovered in general area of dig site
state of bone at approximated time of spread indicates the subject was a between ages 13 and 16
younger than normative for possible age of origin and location of remains when found
wear to left carpal bones and joints indicates 45000781 favored left hand
anomaly could explain increased wear on left leg joints; favoring dominant side
pattern of wear to pelvic, spinal, and carpal bones leads to theory
that 45000781 sat stationary for extended periods of time
note: investigate possible occupations
hair samples show repeated bleaching and dying with artificial pigments
jewelry found with 45000781
mostly silver
1 - necklace - intricate scroll work - watch parts w/ some small gold gears - unidentified jewel accent
45000781 appeared to have had a piercing of the nasal cartilage
possible tribal or subcultural affiliations
1 - captive bead ring - hematite bead - steel ring
Theory: 45000781 had three piercings on each ear lobe
2 - silver lengths of linked chains on ear-hooks - spiked ball detail attached to base of link of chain
2 - garnet - post - silver stud backing
2 - small silver bat - post - silver stud backing
no conclusions yet made from jewelry
study pending
no rings noted
negates theory that 45000781 was engaged in western practice of “marriage”
clothing too deteriorated to estimate socio-economic status
fiber analysis pending
foot coverings found at dig site, close to body
possibly removed after burial
motive unknown
classified as “boots”
constructed from unidentified dried, treated, cattle hide
secured with long, woven strips of synthetic fiber
possible theory:
choice of foot coverings reflected existence of personal choice in clothing
possible tribal or subcultural affiliation
as yet unproven due to lack of evidence
no evidence of specific foot coverings as necessary for sedentary occupation as assumed by skeletal wear
second skeleton found in close proximity to 45000781
pelvic structure indicates male
epiphysis on sternal end of clavicle partially fused
complete fusion of epiphysis on end of long bones
age estimated between 20 and 25
no known relation as of yet
more evidence pending