Sunday, June 12, 2011


What is the protocol for posting poems inspired by ex-lovers?  Is it ok as long as you don't mention them by name?  Or does it violate some code of conduct; somehow breaking the privacy, the intimacy?  Does it somehow immortalize that connection between two hearts, the one that no amount of time makes any less painful to dwell on?  Are poems of devotion like love letters?  Elizabeth Barret Browning wrote Sonnets From The Portuguese, which I consider to be one of the most beautiful compilations of human emotion from that time period.  Maybe it was different in that it was published during a very different era?  And she eventually married the man.  But I digress.  What are your thoughts on the topic?  Would it be wrong of me to post these poems?

1 comment:

  1. I believe since they're your experiences, they're yours to share at your discretion. It'd be polite, of course, to avoid naming them... but you hold the rights to your own memories \m/

    - Corbin
